An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English
Fourth Edition
Daniel David Moses, Terry Goldie and Armand Garnet Ruffo
Oxford University Press
Twenty years after the publication of its groundbreaking first edition, this collection continues to provide the most comprehensive coverage of Canadian Native literature available in one volume. Emphasizing the importance of the oral tradition, the anthology offers a diverse selection of songs, short stories, poems, plays, letters, and essays crafted by exceptional writers from First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities across Canada.
Readership : Native literature and Native studies courses typically offered at the second- or third-year undergraduate level in English departments and Native studies departments at universities across Canada.
Manitowapow: Aboriginal Writings from the Land of Water
Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair and Warren Cariou. Forward by Beatrice Mosionier. Portage & Main Press
In the middle of the continent, where waterways and rivers flow in and out of immense lakes, many different people have come, met, lived, and thrived. In Manitowapow: Aboriginal Writings from the Land of Water you will find their voices, reaching from across the millennia to the present day. This rich collection of stories, poetry, nonfiction, and speeches features:
- historical writings, from important figures
- Vibrant literary writing by eminent Aboriginal writers
- Nonfiction and political writing from contemporary Aboriginal leaders
- Local storytellers and keepers of knowledge from far-reaching Manitoba communities
- New, vibrant voices that express the modern Aboriginal experiences
- Anishinaabe, Cree, Dene, Inuit, Métis, and Sioux writers from Manitoba