Fellow Organizations
Indigenous Voices Awards (IVAs)
Indigenous Voices Awards 2021 art by Lou-Ann Neel (Kwakwaka'wakw)
The IVAs were established in 2017 to support and nurture the work of Indigenous writers in lands claimed by Canada. Funds for the awards were raised initially through a crowd-funded campaigns by Robin Parker and Silvia Moreno-Garcia, who partnered with ILSA for the awards’ initial administration. While an original fundraising goal of $10,000 to support emerging Indigenous writers was set, the grass-roots initiatives raised $116,565 in four months. These monies have since been supplemented by further donations from various groups and individuals. So far, a total of $70,000.00 has been given to Emerging Indigenous Voices, a mix of published and unpublished authors who are destined to change what we read.
To donate to the Indigenous Voices Awards, please visit their website or click here.
Kwahiatonhk! ("We write!", in the Wendat language) is a non-profit organization based in Wendake, whose mission is to promote Indigenous authors and books, through the production of literary events and other initiatives. Each year, it organizes in the Quebec City area the Salon du livre des Premières Nations ("First Nations Book Fair"), the only annual festival of its kind in the country.
For more info (Website in French only - for now) : www.kwahiatonhk.com
Kwahiatonhk! ( « Nous écrivons ! », en langue wendat) est un organisme à but non lucratif basé à Wendake dont la mission est de faire la promotion des auteurs et du livre autochtones, entre autres par la production d’évènements littéraires. Chaque année, il organise dans la région de Québec le Salon du livre des Premières Nations, seul festival annuel du genre au pays.
Pour plus d’information : www.kwahiatonhk.com
The Association for Studies in American Indian Literatures, ASAIL, is a professional academic organization created to promote the study, criticism, and research of American Indian written and oral literary traditions.
ASAIL holds an annual business meeting at the Native American Literature Symposium. ASAIL is an affiliate with the Modern Language Association (MLA). ASAIL sponsors panels at the MLA’s annual meeting, the Native American Literature Symposium, the American Literature Association (ALA), and the Society for the Study of American Women Writers (SSAWW) conferences.
Our conference participation, along with our journal, Studies in American Indian Literatures, ensures that members have multiple opportunities to present, publish and debate innovative research on American Indian and Aboriginal languages, literature, culture and aesthetics.
For more information, visit the ASAIL website: asail.org
The Native American Literature Symposium is organized by an independent group of Indigenous scholars committed to making a place where Native voices can be heard.
Since 2001, we have brought together some of the most influential voices in Native America to share our stories -- in art, prose, poetry, film, religion, history, politics, music, philosophy, and science—from our worldview.
With literature as a crossroads where many forms of knowledge meet—art, history, politics, science, religion, film, cultural studies—we welcome once again spirited participation on all aspects of Native American studies. We invite proposals for individual papers, panel discussions, readings, exhibits, demonstrations, and workshops. We especially encourage presentations and panels on teaching children’s and young adult literature by indigenous writers, as well as current issues in Indian Country such as language revitalization, mascot debates, and academic freedom for indigenous scholars.
For more information, visit the NALS website: mnsu.edu/nativelit/